Did Not Attend (DNA) Policy

Policy statement

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance regarding the management of patients
who failed to attend their appointments. It is essential to make the best use of the GPs’
availability to ensure that all patients have access to appointments within an acceptable time


This document and any procedures contained within it are non-contractual and may be
modified or withdrawn at any time.

Training and support

The practice will provide guidance and support to help those to whom it applies understand
their rights and responsibilities under this policy. Additional support will be provided to
managers and supervisors to enable them to deal more effectively with matters arising from
this policy.

Definition of terms

Did Not Attend

Failure to attend an appointment is commonly referred to as ‘Did Not Attend’ or DNA. For the
purpose of this policy, the acronym DNA will be used.


Statistical evidence

The effects of DNAs are:
• An increase in waiting times for patients
• A waste of clinicians’ time
• An adverse risk to patients’ health

Recording DNAs

All DNAs are to be recorded in each patient’s healthcare record and a letter will be sent out
within 1 week.

Preventative measures

In order to reduce the number of DNAs, the practice will:
• Enable patients to cancel appointments by calling the practice up to 1 hour before
the appointment time.
• Remind the patient via text when the appointment is booked and 1 day prior to
his/her appointment, staff will also telephone the patient to remind them of their
appointment on the following day for Practice Nurse and HCA appointments.
• Encourage patients to write down the information at the time of booking and repeat
this information to practice staff to confirm accuracy

Managing DNAs

If a patient fails to attend for an appointment, a letter will be sent to the patient
If the patient fails to attend a second appointment within a 12-month period, another letter
will be sent to the patient
If the patient fails to attend a third appointment within the same 12-month period, a decision
will be made by the practice manager and the partners as to whether the patient is to be
removed from the practice list and then write to the patient and notify PCSE, requesting the
patient to be removed from the practice list.
Patients who DNA 3 times within a 12-month period and who have received 3 letters and
have been deducted from the practice register will not be re-registered.
All letters are to be saved in each patient’s health records. Letters sent to patients are only
valid for a 12-month period.

By reducing the number of DNAs the practice will:
• Enhance the efficiency of clinical sessions
• Reduce costs
• Increase productivity
• Offer a more effective service to patients


DNAs continue to have a significant financial impact across the NHS. Having a robust
management system in place will help to reduce the number of DNAs at the practice of Dr I.
M. Raja & Partner and ensure that all patients have access to an appointment within an
acceptable time frame.